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Why leaf analyses?

If sufficient supplies of one element or another are not present or available, the leaves cannot get the nutrition they need. The nutritional health of the plant can therefore be accurately determined by an analysis of the leaves.
The leaf analysis not only determines whether there is an adequate supply of nutrients in the soil, but also whether the nutritional reserves are being taken up in sufficient quantities.

These analyses can be performed at various times.
After blooming and up to the harvest, the leaves give a complete picture of the season. This picture is reflected in the nutrient reserve in the wood and in the nutritional condition of the plant for the next year. Decisions to use more or less fertilizer than in the past season can be made on an individual basis and applications can be scheduled for the optimal time.

A leaf analysis can also be conducted early in the season for help in making immediate or shorter-term decisions or to identify the symptoms of nutrient deficiencies.
One requirement for a practical leaf analysis is the availability of reference values and a clear fertilization recommendation.

Leaf analyses are more suitable than soil analyses to determine not only the reserves, but also the availability, uptake and transport of nutrients within the plant, although a soil analysis will always be an important part of the process of determining the basic supply.

It thereby becomes possible to use fertilizers in a targeted manner to achieve optimal quality and a good yield.