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Folanx® Mn27 - the micronized manganese fertilizer suspension

Nutrients and their functions: Manganese (Mn)

Manganese is not readily available in humus soils, loose soils and in soils with a high pH (> pH 6.7). The availability of manganese to the plants is higher, the more acid the soil. Cold and wet conditions pose another problem in terms of availability. Because manganese is readily available only in acid soils, a soil acid is inconclusive for a determination of the availability of manganese. In these cases, a leaf analysis is essential.
Manganese participates in the plant metabolism primarily by activating enzymes and in the synthesis of chlorophyll and amino acids.
General symptoms of deficiency
A manganese deficiency is expressed by the slight yellowing of the leaves and black spots. A typical symptom is a light green to slightly yellow marbling between the arteries, with broader green stripes along the veins. In this point, the symptoms of manganese deficiency differ from the symptoms of iron deficiency.
A manganese deficiency is expressed by linked light spots on the leaves. In red varieties, a manganese deficiency can be detected earlier. It begins with light spots on the leaves between the veins. These spots are followed by yellow marbled areas which have a clear green border with the leaf veins. Later, the yellow areas turn red and the leaf edges can die. The initial symptoms are visible especially rapidly on the sun side of the leaf.
Fruit farming
A manganese deficiency is first expressed on the older leaves near the base. In apples, there is a clear V-shape to the yellow discoloration of the leaves.
The adverse effect on photosynthetic efficiency results in a deterioration in the quality of the fruit, e.g. poor coloring of the green base color in apples and premature yellow coloration in pears.
Berry farming
In strawberries in particular, a manganese deficiency is expressed as mosaic or linked light spots on the younger leaves. The leaf edges can later also become necrotic. In contrast to other symptoms of deficiencies, the roots are not affected.