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Folanx® Zn40 - the micronized zinc fertilizer suspension

Nutrients and their functions: Zinc (Zn)

In the soil, zinc is chemically bonded to the clay-humus complex. Consequently, zinc is relatively unavailable, especially in sandy soils and soils with high levels of lime. Cold and wet soils reduce the availability of zinc. Theoretically, however, zinc deficiency can occur in all types of soil. One reason may be an oversupply of calcium and phosphorus, because that can lead to a reduction in the uptake of zinc.
Here, too, a soil analysis by itself is not sufficient to correctly estimate the amount of zinc being delivered to the plants.
The actual values can be determined only on the basis of leaf analyses. Another factor that is important in connection with the supply of zinc is that high zinc concentrations in the plants entail a reduction of iron and copper as antagonists.
General symptoms of a zinc deficiency
Zinc is transported very poorly in plants. Therefore the youngest leaves are the ones that primarily exhibit symptoms of a zinc deficiency. This deficiency also becomes obvious in strong sunshine. A zinc deficiency can be diagnosed by chlorotic stripes, an orange discoloration, stunted growth, and small leaves and fruit.
A zinc deficiency produces a wide range of symptoms in viniculture. It begins with reduced growth of the leaves and blossoms on the vine. The edges of the leaves have more pronounced serrations and bright yellow chlorotic spots.
The blossoms have a very strong tendency to wither; the grapes are small and sparse. A zinc deficiency also promotes stem dieback.
Fruit farming
The symptoms of zinc deficiency are particularly pronounced in fruit trees.
The leaves are small and the internodal distances are reduced. In isolated cases, the symptoms also include "willow leaf".
Because the youngest leaves are the most difficult to supply with zinc, when the vines do not receive an adequate supply winter after winter, the tips of the shoots will die, which makes them susceptible to mildew throughout the year.
Berry farming
In berries in general, a zinc deficiency reduces the overall growth of leaves, blossoms, fruit and roots. The leaves have bright yellow spots with poorly defined edges between the leaf veins.